Club 339
How do we get started?
To get started with Club 339, send your friends and family to our website to start the donation process.
Share this link: relayia.org/donate
They will be asked to fill out some information to track their donation. Most importantly, they need to choose your team name when prompted. This is how we’ll track your progress towards the different levels in Club 339!
What is Club 339?
We challenge each team to raise $339 collectively. That’s just a dollar a mile. Once your team raises $339, you’ll be inducted into Club 339.
But wait, there’s more! Every time your team raises a multiple of 339, you move up a level; and with every level there are perks.
We need your help to hit the ground running with our fundraising efforts. Are you up for the challenge?
Club 339 levels
Level 1 = Crawler – You’re getting started with your first $339 raised.
Level 2 = Walker – You’re on your feet and moving with over $678 raised.
Level 3 = Jogger – Things are really starting to pick up speed with your fundraising with over $1,017 raised.
Level 4 = Strider – Don’t stop now because you’re really hitting your stride with over $1,356 raised.
Level 5 = Sprinter – You are out in front and really kicking butt with over $1,695 raised. Everyone is going to know about your team’s efforts.
So, what do we get?
Your hard work and contributions will be recognized in the following ways: